what is a good knife.Some distinguishing features

what is a good knife.Some distinguishing features

To recognize what is a good knife, there are many factors, but according to the experience of “Dao Ren Viet”, it can be evaluated according to some of the following criteria:

– steel

– machining techniques

eg: tweezers will be better than c45 . steel

About the processing part: there are many points to evaluate such as: my country is also known as heat treatment, how to lower the edge, design

If you are in the position of a customer who evaluates a product through real images to purchase, you need to find out

What steel makes the product (this is difficult mainly based on the seller’s credibility)

How do I knife, is my country big or small (with ram or not)

how to lower the edge of the blade

Above are some criteria to choose products, hope consumers choose the product they like

thank you

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